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SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis

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Table of Contents
Volume 13, Issue 2, pp. 167-341

Please Note: Electronic articles are available well in advance of the printed articles.

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Systems of Differential Equations Which Are Competitive or Cooperative: I. Limit Sets

Morris W. Hirsch

pp. 167-179

A Closure Problem for Signals in Semigroup Invariant Systems

John J. Benedetto

pp. 180-207

On a General Concept for Separation of Variables

J. Hainzl

pp. 208-225

A Quasilinear Parabolic Equation Describing the Elongation of Thin Filaments of Polymeric Liquids

M. Renardy

pp. 226-238

The Uniform Asymptotic Expansion of a Class of Integrals Related to Cumulative Distribution Functions

N. M. Temme

pp. 239-253

On Solutions of Elliptic Equations Satisfying Mixed Boundary Conditions

A. Azzam and E. Kreyszig

pp. 254-262

Laguerre Series as Boundary Values

Ahmed I. Zayed

pp. 263-279

Characterization of Continuous Selections of the Metric Projection for a Class of Weak Chebyshev Spaces

Manfred Sommer

pp. 280-294

Strange Evaluations of Hypergeometric Series

Ira Gessel and Dennis Stanton

pp. 295-308

The Recursion Formulas for Orthogonal Polynomials in $n$ Variables

M. A. Kowalski

pp. 309-315

Orthogonality and Recursion Formulas for Polynomials in $n$ Variables

M. A. Kowalski

pp. 316-323

Projection Formulas and a New Proof of the Addition Formula for the Jacobi Polynomials

Thomas P. Laine

pp. 324-330

A Hurwitz Matrix is Totally Positive

J. H. B. Kemperman

pp. 331-341